Nothing is more exciting than celebrating a relative or loved one for completing four to twelve years of schooling. Whether it's high school or college, the fact that someone could be disciplined enough to dedicate that much time to something and succeed is truly a beautiful thing! I love capturing these moments and helping to let the celebration last for a life time, and this one family really amazed me with their story. This family was actually my own close family.
My mother, younger brothers and oldest brother all decided that they would graduate at the same time. My two youngest brothers were both graduating from high school together, my mother was graduating with her master's from LSUE, and my oldest brother was graduating from LSU in Baton Rouge; what a blessing. This was one of the most heartfelt photoshoot I have ever done and the pictures came out great. To know how hard it is for black people, like my family and I, to get into college and then finish makes this even more beautiful. We, as a family, are showing people that it is possible and we are celebrating it with pride and Joy.
All glory to God.